
Compressed Complete Feed Blocks (CCFB) for Ruminants

Compressed complete feed block technology provides benefits to the farmers and feed manufacturers. This is a promising technology for the regions where shortages of green and dry forages exist and bulky dry crop residues are transported from surplus areas. The advantages are: a promising way to feed a balanced ration to ruminants; an efficient nutrients delivery system-less feed wastage; saving of time as well as labourers; feed as blocks require lesser storage space; compressed feed cheaper and easier to transport; better way to manage crop residues and reduce pollution; improves productive and reproductive performance; reduces methane emission from animals; better health status; scope for value addition-blocks as a vehicle for medicine or nutraceutical administration; better economic returns through providing stability in feeds and milk prices. Moreover, feed banks of CCFBs can be set up by the Government to prohibit burning of crop residues under field conditions by the farmers and also as a pre-emptive disaster management measure.